Publications by Amanda G Dowd

Republished by Routledge in December 2023
Cultural Complexes in Australia
Placing Psyche
Series Editor Thomas Singer
Edited by Amanda Dowd, Craig San Roque & David Tacey.
If you are interested please click here to download a PDF[135KB] for table of contents and further information about the editors and contributors.
Hb: 978-1-032-50999-0 | AU$252
Pb: 978-1-032-51003-3 | AU$62.99
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Praise for Placing Psyche
As western cultures become more eco-conscious, the key psychological and political role of place and land is highlighted. In Australia, this has already been the case for thousands of years. We have here unique and accessible perspectives on the ways in which psyche, culture, and place interact. Guiding us from the Nullarbor to the Murray Basin to Alice Springs, this study of land and people opens up a new field that will be of huge value for generations to come-in Australia and across the globe.
Placing Psyche is an important and fascinating addition to the very few writings which have explored the history of Australia from within, giving us an internal perspective. It shows at the same time the richness of the Jungian psychoanalytic tradition with its links and deep understanding of the “spirit of the place” as a context for the individual, and the mental pain that both as individuals and as a country we have to face in our journey to seek “a place where self, soul and psyche might feel at home”.
Other publications
Amanda Dowd
In her role as Deputy-Editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology, Amanda was also Guest Editor of the Journal’s November 2022 Special Issue which focuses on our environmental and climate crisis.
Dowd, A. (2022). ‘Vanishing acts: the crisis of our loss of kinship with the more-than-human world’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 67, 5, 1270-95.
Dowd, A. (2020). ‘Displacement trauma: complex states of personal, collective and intergenerational fragmentation and their intergenerational transmission’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 65, 2, 300-24.
Dowd, A. (2019). ‘Uprooted minds: displacement, trauma and dissociation’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Special Issue, ‘The Analyst as Citizen in the World’, 64, 2, 244-69.
Dowd, A. (2017), ‘Becoming Human’: in Feminist Views from Somewhere: Post-Jungian Themes in Feminist Theory, eds Leslie Gardner and Frances Gray. Abingdon, Oxon. and N.Y: Routledge.
Dowd, A. (2017). ‘Adrift’, in ARAS Connections – Image and Archetype, Issue 1. (Click here)
Dowd, A. (2012). ‘Primal negation as a primitive agony: reflections on the absence of a place-for-becoming’. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 57, 1, 3-20.
Dowd, A. (2011). Placing Psyche, Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia, eds Craig San Roque, Amanda Dowd and David Tacey, New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Inc.
Dowd, A. (2011). ‘Finding the fish: memory, displacement anxiety, legitimacy and identity: the legacy of interlocking traumatic histories in post-colonial Australia’, in Placing Psyche, Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia, eds Craig San Roque, Amanda Dowd and David Tacey. New Orleans, Louisiana: Spring Journal Inc.
Dowd, A. (2011). ‘Mind the gap: explorations in the subtle geography of identity’, in Body, Mind and Healing After Jung: A Space of Questions, ed. R. Jones. East Sussex and N.Y: Routledge.
Dowd, A. (2010). ‘The passion of the country: bearing the burdens of traumatic histories, personal and collective’. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 2, 1, 59-70.
Dowd, A. (2010). Book Review: On Soul and Earth: The Psychic Value of Place by Elena Liotta. In Journal of Analytical Psychology, 55, 1,139–41.
Dowd, A. (2009). ‘Backgrounds of beauty: explorations in the subtle geography of identity and the interrelationships between psyche and place’. Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, 28, 1-2, 96-113.
Dowd, A. (2008). ‘Whose mind am I in? Reflections from an Australian consulting room on migration as a traumatic experience’. Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy, 27, 1-2, 23-40.
Dowd, A. (2007), ‘The intimate edge of experience’, in The Uses of Subjective Experience, Proceedings of the Conference “The Uses of Subjective Experience: A Weekend of Conversations between ANZSJA Analysts and Academics who work with Jung’s Ideas“. October 20-21, Melbourne, Australia.
Dowd, A. (2008). ‘This whispering in our hearts: a review of The Geography of Meanings: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Place, Space, Land and Dislocation, eds Maria Teresa Savio-Hooke and Salman Akhtar. In Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, Vol. 79, ‘Irish Culture and Depth Psychology’.

‘Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.’
(C.G. Jung)
Environmental Crisis
In her role as Deputy-Editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology, Amanda was Guest Editor of the Journal’s November 2022 Special Issue which focuses on our environmental and climate crisis. You can access the special issue here.
“As the number of previously ‘unprecedented’ environmental disasters around the world is increasing, parts of our Earth are becoming uninhabitable, millions of people are being displaced, and disruptions to food production and water and energy security are now a fact of life for many more of us.
These urgent matters affect both therapists and patients alike and, as climate and environmental anxieties are rising, they are entering our consulting rooms with increasing frequency. It is incumbent on us therefore, to learn how to think about them.
In this Special Issue you will find 11 papers from authors who have all been challenged to find a way to think and feel through their relationship with their wider environment and the Earth as it affects themselves, their patients and the community. All of these writers speak in different ways to the urgency of the need to recognise the ecological nature of psyche and the intimacy of the links between our inner and outer ‘worlds’.
We hope that this Special Issue provides enriching food for thought and contributes to psychoanalytic understandings of the impacts of climate change and environmental destruction.”